Saturday, December 21, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 3)

Welcome back to Part 3, my human friends. Cheesy, I'm sorry. Here's the typical warning.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.

Morgan, the first person Rick meets in the apocalypse, is, along with Glenn, the closest to their TV counterpart. Basically the only thing different is that when Rick finds him, he has a small town all set up with traps. Lennie James, the actor, is pretty much spot on with him.

It's been confirmed that Morgan will return in the back half of season 4 but I don't know for how many episodes. But since James' AMC show Low Winter Sun was cancelled (after season 4 wrapped filming), he may be back for a long while. Maybe.

Show and comic are equal.

Maggie is pretty close to her TV counterpart as well. She has a relationship with Glenn, she's a better hand-to-hand fighter than a shooter but I have no problem with that. She also has shorter hair, as you have noticed. She cuts it for convenience and safety's sake.

Personality wise, she's pretty much the same except more emo/down/depressed. That would make sense I guess because all of her family (in the comics) are dead. She had a bigger family at her farm too, about 9 people if I remember right.

There's a comic part that I would love to see on the show. Would make for a great cliffhanger.

Show is doing better (so far).

Oh Sophia. Comic-Sophia has a much better life than TV-Sophia. For instance, she never gets lost in the woods and turns into a zombie. In fact, she's STILL alive in the comics at the point we're at (post-prison assault). But she has no major storylines now, just a background character nowadays.

Comic did a tiny bit better.
Caesar Martinez you great guy. Little bit of trivia for ya. He was gay. And also a gym teacher "before". When Rick, Glenn and Michonne were captured in Woodbury, Martinez convinced the group to escape with him and go to the prison, but he turned out to be a spy.

As he was sneaking back to report to the Governor, Rick realized this and chased him with Dale's RV and ran him over multiple times. I would have loved to see that in the show but oh well.

Hope you enjoyed some comic vs TV comparisons. Be back for part 4 after the New Year.

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