Sunday, December 15, 2013

Best Movies of 2013

The best movies of 2013 my oh my, shall we begin?

Monsters University

I loved it, how can anyone not? It was a bit weird with no Boo in it but it had some good laughs, story, strong new characters, great animation, typical of a Pixar production (except for Cars 2).

The Place Beyond the Pines

This is my pretentious pick. The people I saw it with hated it but I really really liked it. Halfway through the movie I was like "what the? Oh man." It was unpredictable, well-shot, good score, and made me like Ryan Gosling. I never really liked him before because he only did chick flicks.

World War Z

I had to. How could I not? Even though it is completely different from the book (which I read in 2008 way before the bandwagoning happened) it was a great zombie movie. First of it's kind to have an A-lister as the lead of a big budget zombie movie. Yes that is a true statement. My only annoyance with it is that Matthew Fox, one of my favorite TV actors, has basically no lines and is nonexistant.

You're Next

This one surprised me. I was expecting a typical slasher home invasion movie but it's a bit more than that. Without getting spoilery, it has smart characters, humor, a good 80s-inspired score, and it's an independant (spelt that wrong) production which is cool because I make my own videos. Not with the budget they had (1 million) but still, you know.


Wow. This is a movie. A way to get stressed is to watch this movie for the first time. And then feel sad. Then hopeful. Maybe.


Gravity is the best* movie I saw in all of 2013. It is unbelievable and incredibly engaging to watch in the theater. If you like acting, animation, camera angles, space, humans, plants, water, ANYTHING, you will like this movie.
Honorable Mentions:
The World's End 
So there's my picks! If you don't agree, crp you, these are my opinions on my own blog.
*note: At the time of writing, I had not seen The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug or Frozen. Or Anchorman 2 (which will be horrible).

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