Monday, December 16, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 2)

And we're back.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.

Carl is younger in the comics. They're able to do that because drawings don't have growth spurts. He's 8 when the series starts. He's basically the same as the comic (Rick being worried about a boy growing up in an apocaylpse and stuff etc) and the actor does a good job. Some good Carl stuff will happen in the back half of season 4.

Dale was adapted pretty much the same personality wise. The moral compass/heart of the group, the most over-used phrase on Talking Dead.

One major difference from the TV show is that in the comics he has a romantic (consesnual) relationship with Andrea. I know, weird. And the characters acknowledge that. But then they realize it's the zombie apocalypse, so who cares right?

Also, Dale dies way earlier in the show.

Comic did better.
Andrea the comic character was pretty much the same in season 1 and 2. Season 3 Andrea started going downhill fast.

Comic-Andrea is much smarter, colder, sympathetic, gets the job done, and would've been awesome to see buuuut around midway through season 3 it would've been impossible to redeem her.

Earlier I said that she's never been to Woodbury and never met the Governor, only ever shooting at him during the final prison assault. She's a really good sniper.

Comic did better.

Tyreese is the man! Unfortunately they haven't focused on him too much in the show, but I'm sure the later half of season 4 will.

Tyreese and his group meet Team Rick just before Herschel's Farm. Rick and Tyreese's fight still occurs, but for different reasons. Ironically, Comic-Carol and Comic-Tyreese have a relationship, but unfortunately Comic-Tyreese cheats with Comic-Michonne. Comic-Carol wouldn't be too happy about that.

Comic did better (so far)

Miss ya Axel. In the comics, as you can see, he has much more beard, and he's a bigger rounder biker kind of guy. He's more outgoing, in contrast to the timid TV-Axel.

Team Rick grows to trust him and Comic-Axel becomes apart of the group. Comic-Axel is alive during the final prison assault, unlike TV-Axel, who died during the first attack halfway through season 3.

Comic did better.

Storyline Differences
  • Governor's army in the final prison assault is bigger, also way more casualties. 15 main characters die.
  • Governor only attacks the prison once.
  • No major storyline so far about sickness from pigs/animals/whatever.
  • Allen and his wife Donna, of Tyreese and Sasha's group, never go onto the Governor's side.
  • Lilly exists in the comic universe, but Tara and Meghan do not (they're in the novels). Lilly is a combination of Comic-Lilly and novel-Lillian. Two different characters.
  • More of the prison is cleared out in the comics compared to TV show.
  • There were a few more prisoners in the prison.
Those are differences I can think of for now. Part 3 and 4 are coming, bye bye.

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