Saturday, December 14, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 1)

Let's just put this out of the way, just because I like one thing more doesn't mean I dislike the other. I like both a lot. Now, since I've convinced you, let's get this started.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.


Shane is one of the few characters that TV show actually did better than the comics. If they followed the comics, Shane would've died season 1 finale or early season 2, but it was much better to keep him around for the farm, meet the Greene family and get everyone riled up basically. He even died the same way as the comics essentially. His sanity leaving him, he leads Rick out into the woods because he doesn't believe Rick is a good leader, and he's in love with Lori. BUT in the comics, Carl, following the two, shoots and kills Shane.
TV-Shane was one of my favourite characters so it was too bad to see him go but it made sense for the story.

Show did better.

Rick is basically the same as the comics, I'm very happy with the job Andrew Lincoln does. He acts like him and even looks like him! Story differences with Rick is that he, Glenn and Michonne are the first to meet The Governor. They then escape with the help of Martinez. Martinez turns out to be a spy and it's actually Rick that kills Martinez, not the Governor, by running him down with Dale's RV. Awesome scene. Lori-wise, their relationship is the same. She dies during the final prison assault in the comics by Lilly, so Rick talking on the phone comes later.

Show and comic are equal.

Lori was more likable in the comics. Her and Shane only had a one-time fling, she was disgusted by Shane. She never egged Rick and Shane on like she did in season 2. As I mentioned, she (and her baby Judith) died during the final prison assault. Got shot through the back and hit Judith whom she was carrying. I always thought she looked kinda Native Aboriginal Canadian, but the actress, Sarah Wayne Callies, was perfect for Lori.

Show and comic are equal.

Glenn is pretty much exactly the same. He was a pizza delivery guy, has a relationship with Maggie Greene, later gets engaged and his storyline/motives/thoughts are basically the same. Which is good.

Show and comic are equal.

The Governor. Philip Blake. The comic did him better, I'm sorry to say. Even when TV-Governor went off the rails, it wasn't as crazy and evil as Comic-Governor got. For instance, in the comics, he cut off a major character's hand basically right when they met. What an entrance. Don't get me wrong, David Morrissey did an AWESOME job. It was a good idea to see TV-Governor going from normal-crazy to completely crazy, but I think overall comics did it better.
Also, when TV-Michonne stabbed Governor in the eye... that wasn't nearly as much as the comics... Comic-Michonne, in response to him raping her, cuts off his right arm, cuts his thighs and SCOOPS out his eyeball! American Horror Story scooped out an eyeball just last week so they should've went for it. The final prison assault I expected to be the midseason finale (ending with Herschel dying) and midseason premiere (Governor dying) but I was still happy with it.
Comic did better.

Storyline Differences

There are a bunch of similarities and differences and exact copies so let's jump right in.
  • The Mexican gang in season 1 doesn't happen.
  • Rick's group never goes to the CDC.
  • They stay at the Greene farm for about 3 episodes-worth in the comics.
  • The reveal of walkers in the barn was better in the TV series. Comic-Hershel merely says "there's walkers in the barn" like it's no big deal.
  • Tyreese and his DAUGHTER Julie, Julie's boyfriend Chris appear just before the Greene farm.
  • Mexican prisoner Tomas in early season 3 is white and is a serial killer, killing two girls (basically Lizzie and Mika) and almost kills Andrea. He is later hung. That begins the Ricktatorship.
  • Hershel's wife Patricia lives until the final prison assault while cheating on him.
  • Comic-Dale lives a lot longer than his TV counterpart. The opposite for Shane.
  • Beth, T-Dog, Daryl, Merle, Randall, Milton, Jimmy, Karen and Sasha either don't exist or are combinations of characters.
  • Merle in season 3 takes the storyline of characters Bruce and Gabe (Governor's right hand men)
  • Andrea doesn't have a relationship with the Governor whatsoever, neither has she been to Woodbury.
  • Rick, Glenn and Michonne discover the helicopter and are the first (and only) characters to go to Woodbury, as opposed to Andrea and Michonne.
  • Michonne fights in the zombie arena, rather than Daryl, Merle and Martinez.
  • Herschel takes Tyreese's comic death (decapitation by the Governor).
  • Bob Stookey, also a drunk, was a Woodburian and was the medic who treated the Governor.
  • Comic-Michonne, instead of merely stabbing him in the eye, cuts off his right arm, cuts his thighs and scoops out his eyeball. Understandably, he's angry at that.
So there you go. I'll be back with more comic vs TV show posts.

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