Thursday, January 02, 2014

Educated Horses: My infamous english short story

In grade 11 I had to write a short story. Halfway through writing it I hyped it up so much for my teacher that he read it last. I've been wanting to continue the story for some time now but haven't gotten around to it. This is one of my favorite stories I've written.

Here it is, unedited.

Educated Horses

Ask him why, how and when, that’s all I gotta do. Just go in, ask, get out,
thought Rob as he was driving, keep the cool, ask the questions, get the answers, and don't get attacked. Ever since he'd gotten into the psychiatry business, it has been crazy, but it got him by.
Seemingly nanoseconds later, he was out of the car and standing in front of a lady in a business suit in front of a rather small building. The time was 9:15 AM. She held out her hand.
"Hello Mr Romero, Zoey Taylor, representative for St Ulrich’s Asylum." A second passed as she waited for him to say something.
"For the Criminally Insane?" inquired Rob.
"Eh yes, we tend to leave that part out, because it scares the visitors a bit."
"Ah yes, I see your point." said Rob. Neither of them moved.
"Shall we go in, then? Get your feel for the building; get your head in the right mindset to ask the questions?" asked Zoey.
"Sounds good." replied Rob. Zoey, who was a pretty woman, he noticed, with bright blonde hair in a bun and tanned skin, led him to the metal-clad doors, and showed her security and member clearance to a security guard through bullet proof glass.
"Oh! Hey Zoey," cried a voice, "back here again?" It was a female security guard, obviously a friend of hers, "mm, and you brought a friend, too. A handsome one at that." she said as she looked at Rob, who felt awkward being talked about in front of two strangers.
As they entered through the doors, Zoey explained the history of the asylum and why she liked working here, but Rob’s mind wandered off. He had a sense of foreboding here. Maybe it was the chandelier that was the low source of light, maybe it was the fake pick axe on the wall right behind the security desk, or maybe it was because of the "portraits" of past and present psychotic patients.


Rob shuddered as he passed the "portraits," detailing their time of residence in this place and their crimes. Although he was used to hearing of gruesome deaths, he was still shaken. One detailed a gas station attendant’s murder of being shoved into a woodchipper.
"… I really feel as if I can make a difference." Zoey went on, bringing Rob back down to earth. "And the doctors, especially Dr. Carson, are coming up with new ideas to calm the patients down, you see." As they walked further and further into the asylum, Rob wondered how far in they had gone. Very far, probably. Just as he thought that they would stop traveling to his destination, Zoey stopped. "Well, down the elevator we go." she said.
"Ah, great." sighed Rob. When they were in the elevator, he noticed 56 levels on the elevator, and he realized that the floors were underground, except the ground floor, to keep in the psychos. As they descended he felt more and more contained, as if he was a rabbit trapped in a cage unknowingly until it’s too late.

When they reached the very bottom floor, they could hear mal-nutricious screams of men and women. They were shouting to God for forgiveness, to Lucifer to help them, and asking Zeus to stop tormenting them. Though nothing was physically touching them, they thrashed around in their dark prison cells. As they walked down the middle of the cell block, crazy, sleep-deprieved hands reached for them.
"Don’t worry, they’ve been bludgeoning themselves with their cell forever, they won’t be breaking anytime soon." she said, as Rob was feeling nervous. A particular wild-haired, tattooed man was at the bars, whispering something, and as they came nearer and nearer, Rob noticed, he was speaking louder and louder, bellowing "9:15! YOU FREAKS! 9:15! 9:15!!" As soon as the wild man started screaming this, a young security guard came out of a side door brandishing his nightstick, and wailed the man right in the ribs, so that he fell back onto the concrete floor, gasping for air and in pain. Zoey continued calmly until they reached the young man in a security uniform.
"Oh, hey Zoey! It’s good to see you again, I’ve had a few fights with some inmates," the young man said all this very fast, determined to impress. "It was pretty sweet, how are you doing? Who’s this guy?" he gestured at Rob, but before he could answer Zoey intervened,
"This is Rob Romero, he’s a psychiatrist for one of our special… patients…"
"Ah, okay, so not a friend, or anything…?" The man asked.
"For business." She said.
"Hello, my name is Jonas. Jonas Shriner." Jonas said as he shook Rob’s hand, rather unnecessarily hard.
"I’m Rob Romero, I might have already tol-"
"Oh, she told me. She told me." Jonas said, as he looked into Rob’s eyes menacingly. Silence.
"Well, let’s move on then, shall we?" Zoey gestured down the hallway. Rob accepted with no hesitation. In silence they walked down the cell block quicker than they did before, with Jonas glaring at Rob’s back. Rob also realized the wild man was still whispering to himself, but now repeating "Exodus…"


Rob followed her into a kind of laboratory, with a doctor waiting to meet him.
"Hello, sir, my name is Cyrus D. Carson, or Dr. Carson" he said as he and Rob shook hands.
"Rob Romero. I understand that I’m uh, supposed to be seeing a patient instead of hanging around in a laboratory? Why am I in a laboratory?" Rob asked the whole room.
"Well, you see, Rob, this is just to give background on the injection I'm gonna do on your inmate buddy, David Mallue." Dr. Carson said as approached a table with some liquid inside a glass container. "We use this serum on the patients to temporarily calm them down. It slows down their heart rate. It's a lot easier than trying to question them when they're in their psychotic state, believe me when I say that." he explained.
"Alright, good, this will definitely help, because I need answers, and I need them today." agreed Rob.
"Your patient, Mr Mallue, is a particularly mental, crazy one. He fought his other inmates and he shoved his shoe deep into their throats and choked them, so we have him in a separate cell now. We’ve upped the dose for the serum a bit, which has never been this high, but it’ll be fine, you have nothing to worry about, his heart rate will just be super low. It‘s just to calm him down." assured Dr. Carson. Rob wasn’t worried about this. The other doctors and nurses and Zoey didn’t seem at all worried. Nobody in the world would be either.

"Let’s do this." Rob said. As he said this, three big men with tactical gear on entered the room. One of them seized the container, put the serum into a needle, while the other two had nightsticks and riot shields. Rob noticed their nametags which said Longinus, Stephaton and Petronius, respectively and thought to himself what weird names those are.
"Okay, Stephaton, Petronius, lets roll." Rob assumed Longinus was saying this. They then exited the room, with Rob, Zoey, Dr. Carson following a bit behind.
"Stand back a bit, this may... will... get ugly." Stephaton grinned.

As they reached the cell door of David Mallue, Petronius had the key and unlocked the door quietly. For a moment, everything was tense, then without warning, in perfect sync, Petronius smashed open the door and all three men charged in. Rob couldn't fully see what was going on, but he saw Stephaton smash David in the face with a riot shield as Petronius was hacking at his knees with a nightstick. They then struggled for a bit out of view of Rob, then came half into view of David facedown on the ground. With Stephaton and Petronius holding him down, Longinus injected the serum. David groaned and moaned.

The deed was done, and the three big guys carried him into an interrogation room fit with a table, a chair, a one way-mirror, and a video camera.


"See, these guys are good. Do their jobs well," said Dr. Carson, satisfied, "Let me know how it goes, bud." he said over his shoulder, and disappeared into his laboratory.
Rob took a deep breath, entered the interrogation room, sat down, and noticed that David Mallue’s head was bowed.

Mmk, they used a little bit too much dose, I’m betting thought Rob. He shuffled some papers around and finally asked David, "Mr Mallue, what committed you to do these disastrous acts?" David slowly looked up, colorless eyes staring into Rob’s. What he thought was peculiar was that his eyes were bloodshot red. Rob tried again, "David, why did you?" He just stared. Stared. Rob stared back. A 30 something year old unshaven man with long hair staring at you is an unsettling experience in its own, but Rob kept trying. He asked again. And again. Still the same. Still the same. Frustrated, Rob finally left the room and he told Longinus, Stephaton and Petronius to put him back into his cell. As David was being hauled, he was still relentlessly staring, but now whispering and repeating 9:15.

No resolution at all haha. It ended like that because I would've had to write another 20 pages to get to the ending I wanted so I just simply ended it. My teacher was frust but still gave me good marks, a 9.5/10 if I remember right.

If you haven't caught on, it's the beginnings of a zombie outbreak.

  • The setting would be the high security underground asylum.
  • Rob Romero's name comes from musician Rob Zombie (get it?) and George Romero, godfather of zombie movies.
  • Zoey's name came from Left 4 Dead, a zombie video game. Jonas, the security guard, his name didn't come from anything zombie-related, I just wanted him to say "My name is Jonas" from the Weezer song.
  • Cyrus D. Carson, or Dr Carson's initals would be CDC, or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Asylum has 56 levels. 28 Days Later reference. 28 + 28 = 56.
  • St. Ulrich Asylum is a Metallica reference. From the song St. Anger, and the band's drummer, Lars Ulrich.
  • David Mallue's last name sounds like "maul you" as in he will destroy you when he's a zombie.
  • Stephaton, Petronius and Longinus are Biblical names, actually. They're kind of out-of-nowhere names in the story but whatever. In the Bible, Longinus is the solider who pierced Jesus' side. Stephaton is the man who offered Jesus vinegar. Petronius is the guard of Jesus' tomb.
  • The serum that David Mallue gets is basically what sets off the zombie virus. Him shoving the shoe into someone's throat is just him being crazy.
  • It's not relevant what David Mallue did before he got into the asylum. I have no idea. It's a MacGuffin I guess?
  • Exodus 9:15. NIV version. "For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth."
Those are all of the references/foreshadowings/interesting trivia/whatever, I'm pretty sure, so I hope you enjoyed. I'd like to continue the story sometime and maybe make it into a video.

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