Friday, January 24, 2014

Writing Prompts

I found some cool writing prompts. They're not too long.

A survivor of the zombie apocalypse stands trial for murder after the apocalypse

I am heavily disappointed in the world. Humanity, and all that is within Mother Earth. Not a year ago, the curse that everyone loved came true. Zombie apocalypse. The undead walks and eat and kill. Half a month ago they killed off the rest of the undead, and chaos were restored.
But not for me, someone broke into my house, he looked so hungry to the point where I was uncertain if he wasn't undead. But he is trespassing and he wants food which he won't get. So I killed him, but the cops came in the day afterwards, saying that they're erradicated, and saw the body.
I got out on bail, I'm in the bathroom at this moment, ready to go to my trial to be judged by twelve. I knew I was going to jail, all of the jury members were survivors in a heavily guarded fort, so they all had no idea what I went through.
But fear not, they will. I've harvested blood from the zombie a long while ago. I also have a razor on me. I looked at my time, 11:57am. Three minutes before my trial begins, it takes ten minutes to turn. I sliced my arm, poured the blood into the wound, felt it lurking in my arm and eventually spreading all around my body.
I begin to walk into the court. I will not rot in jail, I won't be judged by people who had no idea what I went through. I also will make sure they do, starting with that idiotic prosecutor...

You've got a nasty flu and have been bed-ridden for two weeks. You spend your time on your laptop and discover something shocking.

Sunday December 9, 2013. 
The official 2 week mark of my mono. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't content to be missing school, I knew the make up work would be a pain but considering I couldn't even get out of bed there wasn't really another choice. I'd spent the last 13 days in bed on Netflix or Hulu and I am pretty sure I had watched every episode of any TV show made within five years.
I lifted my sweaty sheets from my legs and bent down to grab my laptop from the food-wrapper & a drink bottle littered floor. I opened it and was met with the faint glow of a login screen. Ten minutes later I found myself on Wikipedia.  Having nothing better to do I aimlessly read articles covering everything from unsolved mysteries to who I shared my birthday with. I went to the search bar and typed in the first thing i could think of, my name.
The only way I can describe what I felt like was empty. Nothing in the conceivable universe could of prepaired me for what I saw. I only had about three minutes of looking time before error signs popped up and the screen went black but that was enough time.
Enough time for me to see pages full of blue links each saying a date. I clicked the very first one and saw my dad holding me for the first time, I skipped to 6:18 of the 24 hour video and saw the only hours-old me lying in a crib. When I clicked back and skipped to page 718 I saw the links from January to March of 2006. Page 1,257 showed me on last years birthday.
My shaking hands clicked ahead trying to see if there was one from today or if I could somehow find out where the footage was coming from and who was watching me. I guess I clicked too far ahead though, because the date on all those blue links said Thursday April 7, 2016.

Two serial killers go on a date, and are unaware of each other's motives.

Blonde hair, hazel eyes, slim build...everything about this girl excites me. She is everything I look for in a woman. New to the city, hasn't yet made too many connections, a chance like this is a godsend.
“More wine?”
She gladly accepts. She idly stabs at her lamp chop, girl has no idea what she's doing to me. Red oozes from the messy cut of meat, my blood is flowing to all the right places.
“So tell me Karen, what do you like to do for fun?”
I watch as she actively struggles to keep her eyes from visibly rolling at such a cliché first date question...they always struggle.
“Well back home I was big into hiking, I love being out in nature. Yourself?”
The corners of her mouth lift ever so slightly as to seem like she means it. Society is built around ritual and expectations. I like to think that I have my own.
"I used to kayak in the central valley before I moved out here. I try to stay active so I'm big into bike riding."
Unmistakable interest flashes across her face, now I've got her.
"I like a man who appreciates the great outdoors..." She leans forward and brings her shoulders ever so slightly together, pushing up her chest, she knows I'm looking, she knows that I like that I see. "Do you know any scenic places around here that maybe we could check out after dinner?"
Her eyes never leave mine as I feel her foot under the table find my lap and close in on the outline of my manhood, my strength, something a weak woman like her can never take from me.
Play it cool. Clearly she's on the end of a dry spell, her posture, the constant sideways glances don't exactly paint her as a social butterfly. She's hungry, she wants me, but I'm the only one who's going to eat tonight. With a confident grin, I tell her, "Oh, I can show you places." In the corner of my field of vision I spot our server, "Waiter, check please."
It's going to be a good night...

Chez Marianne? I guess I can't blame the guy for trying. Mama always said men are only after one thing and clearly this guy wants to be sure he gets it. Disgusting.
"More wine?"
I don't know who he thinks he's fooling, clearly he wants to get me hammered. I do my best to look coy as I sip from my recently overflowing glass. A single line of red dribbles down the side, it's taunting me. Primal, life affirming, powerful.
“So tell me Karen, what do you like to do for fun?”
Really? God, I just want to get out of here already. This guy is so painstakingly by the book, I'll be doing him a favor really, he probably wonders why women are never into him. Might as well give him the standard answer.
“Well back home I was big into hiking, I love being out in nature. Yourself?”
Unexpectedly, opportunity knocks.
"I used to kayak in the central valley before I moved out here. I try to stay active so I'm big into bike riding."
Perfect. No one really pays attention to a pretty little thing such as myself in the wrong part of town so long as I've got a big, strong man on my arm, but you still have to keep your eyes open for witnesses. This guy likes being away from prying eyes. It's time to seal the deal.
"I like a man who appreciates the great outdoors..." He's been eyeing my chest all night long. I press them together, he probably thinks of it as foreshadowing of pleasures to come. "Do you know any scenic places around here that maybe we could check out after dinner?"
I kick off a shoe so I can size up the situation. Fool. He's already thinking hard... geez, he is really thinking down there. That's really all it ever takes, a little contact with the right parts and they stop thinking at all. He thinks he's getting lucky, he has no idea.
"Oh, I can show you places." He's obviously trying not to look too excited, "Waiter, check please."
It's going to be a good night...

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