Saturday, December 21, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 3)

Welcome back to Part 3, my human friends. Cheesy, I'm sorry. Here's the typical warning.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.

Morgan, the first person Rick meets in the apocalypse, is, along with Glenn, the closest to their TV counterpart. Basically the only thing different is that when Rick finds him, he has a small town all set up with traps. Lennie James, the actor, is pretty much spot on with him.

It's been confirmed that Morgan will return in the back half of season 4 but I don't know for how many episodes. But since James' AMC show Low Winter Sun was cancelled (after season 4 wrapped filming), he may be back for a long while. Maybe.

Show and comic are equal.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Comics I read

I've been asked what comics I read, so assuming this gets read enough (probably not), I'll write about what pictures I read.

The Walking Dead

She doesn't come with it
The first time I read these bad boys was on the break season 2 had, so February 2012, caught up with where the comics are in about 4 days.

I was very much against reading comics in general because they simply seemed stupid. I expected there to be superpowers because all comic books have superpowers right? Nah, that turned out to be false. Within the first 20 pages I was hooked.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 2)

And we're back.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Walking Dead: Show vs Comic (Part 1)

Let's just put this out of the way, just because I like one thing more doesn't mean I dislike the other. I like both a lot. Now, since I've convinced you, let's get this started.

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.


Shane is one of the few characters that TV show actually did better than the comics. If they followed the comics, Shane would've died season 1 finale or early season 2, but it was much better to keep him around for the farm, meet the Greene family and get everyone riled up basically. He even died the same way as the comics essentially. His sanity leaving him, he leads Rick out into the woods because he doesn't believe Rick is a good leader, and he's in love with Lori. BUT in the comics, Carl, following the two, shoots and kills Shane.
TV-Shane was one of my favourite characters so it was too bad to see him go but it made sense for the story.

Show did better.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Shows (and movies) I'll try out in 2014

First post blah blah good to be here blah blah blah. Tomorrow will have a new post, as will the next 6 days after that.

With LOTS of shows having already come in September and settling into my DVR (Brooklyn 99, Agents of SHIELD, Hostages, Dracula, Almost Human, and Mob City), and some being discarded (The Blacklist [James Spader's acting is amazing though] and Michael J Fox Show) there's now lots of new shows coming in January-March (otherwise known as midseason)! Here's a few:

HELIX, Space

From Wikipedia, "Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic, Arctic Biosystems, to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that may hold the key to mankind’s salvation or total annihilation. However, the lethal threat is just the tip of the iceberg, and as the virus evolves, the chilling truth begins to unravel."

Attempting to contain a deadly disease... in Antarctica? Awesome. It comes from writer Ron Moore of Battlestar Galactica, and it's on the same network too. It has no actors that I really know, but that can be a good thing. I'll shut up and show you the trailer.