Sunday, February 23, 2014

You should be worried for Daryl Dixon

Potential future spoilers ahead. I don't know any insider info, it's all speculation.

Wow. Rick, Tyreese, Daryl, Michonne and Abraham all on the show together... and one of those four men have to die because there is too much manly awesomeness/safety on the show right now.

Rick is going nowhere seeing as this is his story.

Abraham just got introduced.

Tyreese is my second choice.

Daryl has been around for 4 seasons and has no storyline left. He was at first a hot head, then learnt to work with others, is now part of the family, and became Rick's right hand man. He has nowhere to go. He hasn't been apart of any storylines either, no romances, no advancing of character, he's just kind of there. Especially if he gets an awesome episode much like Hershel did before his death.

Before people start CRYING that I hate Daryl, I'm just being realistic, and I like Daryl although he is over-rated for sure. And over-powered. He took out a tank single-handedly. It would also truly prove that no one is safe on the show.

Daryl not being in the comics and therefore being a wild card or taking a comic characters storyline might play in his favour though, so we shall see. This IS the same show that even the Governor at his worst, wasn't as bad (rape, killing) as the comic version.

So there's a chance they won't kill him off, because there ARE idiots that only watch for Daryl and then the viewer ratings might fall. Then again, people said the same thing if Shane, Dale, or T-Dog died... and each season the ratings get higher.

It would have to be a really good death and there's one particular death that has a leg up on quite a few that will be coming up.

RIP Daryl Dixon?
And yes, Rosita's actress Christian Serratos is from Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.

Edited on February 26 to add: Or Daryl may disappear for awhile much like Carol did earlier this season.

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