Monday, February 10, 2014

Walking Dead creator/writer answered ANOTHER letter of mine! And Dead speculation

The first letter I wrote, if you missed it.

That's right! He loves me!
I wrote to him November 30th, 2013. Just after Issue 117 was released.

My letter then appeared in Issue 119 on January 8th, 2014! Nice!

I'm the normal font, assistant Sean is bold, Robert Kirkman is italic.

I ask two questions plus a BONUS question.

Two of my letters have now made it into issues!
The midseason premiere, predictably was really good, I liked how it was slowed down, and was a direct adaptation of the comic with some of it being shot-for-shot remake. Next week's (The 17th) article will be about determining who will die next.
Also, the episode titles are really interesting. They're called (in case you don't want to know, I made the font white so highlight it):
  • After
  • Inmates
  • Claimed
  • Still
  • Alone
  • The Grove
  • Us
  • A
Highlight this paragraph too. It's possible it might make a sentence. After inmates claimed (the prison is claimed by walkers), still alone (not everyone has reunited), USA (they start traveling to another city). OR Us could mean everyone has met up by then, and A is a nickname for something.
And make sure to vote in the poll on the right-hand side! It works this time.


  1. I like how you made the font white so people could highlight it if they wanted. That was smart. Also, it's weird to joyfully vote on death. But whatever floats your boat.

    1. I'm always thinking of the less-informed. Who said I was joyfully voting?
