Friday, February 21, 2014

HIMYM Final Season Hopes

If you're not caught up on all 8.5 seasons, don't click "read full article."

With the final seven episodes of How I Met Your Mother continuing on Monday the 24th, here's a few things I hope will be answered, addressed or shown.

Is the Mother dead?

This one has been floating around since Time Traveler's episode in season 8. There's evidence against and for this theory:

Yes, she is dead list:
  • She was last confirmed alive in 2021 in the flashforward in the episode Garbage Island where he meets Wendy the Waitress at the airport.
  • Ted imagines telling the Mother he wishes he had an extra 45 days with her. This could either mean he was really lonely at that time, or that she dies later on.
  • The creators have confirmed that there is some kind of "twist" late in the series.
No, she is alive list:
  • Ted's kids in 2030 look way too bored hearing about their mother, implying that she's alive. The son even asks if they're being punished. A kid wouldn't ask that if their mother was dead.
  • It's a comedy, not a dark drama.
I personally believe she is alive and well. Possibly going out and getting groceries or with friends during story time with Ted.

Does the Mother have a doppelganger?

That would be a really fun thing to add and would have her fit in nicely with Ted's friends.

Does Ted somehow end up with Robin?

Might sound crazy, but if the Mother ends up being dead in 2030, and then 2030 Ted meets up with old Robin after he's done telling his kids the story? Remember Lily and Marshall do those long-term bets, with Marshall believing Ted will end up with Robin? "Not yet". I don't like that though.

Where did that pineapple come from?

Ted or his friends can't figure it out, because Future Ted said "we never found out where that pineapple came from"... but maybe the Mother had something to do with it? Or maybe Marshall is keeping a big secret.

Is Barney alive in 2030 and is he still married?

This is also a popular-enough theory to mention. He was last confirmed alive in April 2021, faking his sickness as a prank on Marshall. It would be in-character for him to be dead by 2030, given that he is a crazy guy. In that same flashforward, no ring is seen on him or Robin.

Little things I'd like to see
  • Flashforwards of Ted dating the Mother, taking care of the kids, hanging at MacLaren's.
  • The Mother meeting everyone officially for the first time.
  • The whole gang on the "front porch".
The last 7 episodes start February 24 with the hour-long finale on March 31.

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