Sunday, February 23, 2014

You should be worried for Daryl Dixon

Potential future spoilers ahead. I don't know any insider info, it's all speculation.

Wow. Rick, Tyreese, Daryl, Michonne and Abraham all on the show together... and one of those four men have to die because there is too much manly awesomeness/safety on the show right now.

Friday, February 21, 2014

HIMYM Final Season Hopes

If you're not caught up on all 8.5 seasons, don't click "read full article."

With the final seven episodes of How I Met Your Mother continuing on Monday the 24th, here's a few things I hope will be answered, addressed or shown.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Film and TV Conspiracy Theories

There are some bad conspiracy theories (Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon synced up with Wizard of Oz), and then there's some good ones that are really interesting and sometimes improve the product.

These are completely plagarised from Cracked (but edited a bit).

WALL-E is a serial killer

Monday, February 10, 2014

Walking Dead creator/writer answered ANOTHER letter of mine! And Dead speculation

The first letter I wrote, if you missed it.

That's right! He loves me!
I wrote to him November 30th, 2013. Just after Issue 117 was released.

My letter then appeared in Issue 119 on January 8th, 2014! Nice!

I'm the normal font, assistant Sean is bold, Robert Kirkman is italic.

I ask two questions plus a BONUS question.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Storyline and Characters For Future Seasons of Walking Dead

If you click "full article", it is completely your fault and have spoiled for yourself things that will happen in seasons 5, 6 and 7 and on. 100% spoilers ahead.

The midseason premiere is Sunday the 9th, and I'm just gonna write my thoughts about how things will go. Of course, there will be direct adaptations, remixed storylines, and new stuff completely as the show has done since the beginning.

Everything talked about will be up to Issue 120 and I'm assuming each season is 16 episodes.