Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Themes/Settings for American Horror Story Seasons

As you may or may not know, each season of American Horror Story is it's own standalone story with a beginning, middle and end with some of the same cast and some new.

For example, the first season is set in 2011 in a haunted house that the Harmon family buy. Second season is mostly set in 1964 in a psychiatric facility run by nuns. Third season is set in 2013 New Orleans and is witches vs voodoo witches. Those are all basic plotlines. They all go deeper than that.

The writers take lots of references from many different things, and even use real-world events and people, such as Black Dahlia, Anne Frank, The Axeman, and Delphine LaLaurie.

Because season 3 ends tomorrow night, I thought I'd write about some cool ideas/locations/things the crew could do for season 4 or 5 or 9.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Writing Prompts

I found some cool writing prompts. They're not too long.

A survivor of the zombie apocalypse stands trial for murder after the apocalypse

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Pixar Theory

I completely plagarised from here, just so you know, and made a few edits/changes myself. My edits will be in red font. The guy who wrote this updated with blue text.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Walking Dead creator/writer answered my letter!

This guy.
At the end of every comic there's a 2-3 page section devoted to letters from fans/haters about the comic and some info about the TV show, answered by Walking Dead comic creator Robert Kirkman and his assistant Sean I-forget-his-last-name.

On March 13, 2013, when Issue 108 came out, I decided to write in a stupid letter that talks about the new Pope.

On May 8, 2013, my letter was in the back of Issue 110.

It was pretty cool, having my name in print for millions of people to see. I got a digital copy and here it is.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Walking Dead: Comic vs Show (Part 4)

Spoilers for both the TV show if you're not caught up to season 4.8, and if you haven't read up to the comics. I won't spoil ANYTHING that happens after the point we're at.

Here's part 1, part 2 and part 3.
Carol in the comic is younger, she's 24 when the series starts. Her husband Ed was never in the comics, only mentioned, although he was abusive as well, he committed suicide within a few days of the apocalypse starting therefore he was never seen.

When the group first meet Tyreese before they get to Hershel's farm, she instantly grows attraction for him. Within their relationship she becomes more self-confident though unfortunately Tyreese cheats on her with Michonne, leading to Carol to commit suicide by walker just before the prison assault. Weirdly enough, both versions of Carol never participate in the prison assault and have never met the Governor.

Show does Carol better.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Educated Horses: My infamous english short story

In grade 11 I had to write a short story. Halfway through writing it I hyped it up so much for my teacher that he read it last. I've been wanting to continue the story for some time now but haven't gotten around to it. This is one of my favorite stories I've written.

Here it is, unedited.