Monday, March 31, 2014

Season 4 Finale FAQ

Season 4 finale spoilers ahead.

Why did Rick get suspicious by looking at the people?

Remember back in episode 4 when Rick and Carol found those two in the house. A boyfriend and a girlfriend. The girl ended up being eaten but the guy was nowhere to be found. Rick gave him his watch because he's nice. Correction: The watch he noticed was Hershel's that he gave to Glenn. He then saw that same watch on a Terminus person. He also saw Glenn's armor, and Maggie and Daryl's poncho.


You'll see her in the season 5 premiere which will be October 12, 2014.

Where's Tyreese, Carol and Judith?

They haven't arrived at Terminus yet. They only appeared in the flashbacks.

Is it actually New Years?

I think he meant that it's a new start for them after killing Rick.

How can the show keep going? The story will get stale won't it?

As of this second, there's enough story to make it to season 8, easily.

Rick is a walker now hahaha lolol bite throats


When does season 5 start?

October 12, 2014 most likely. Filming starts early May 2014. 16 episodes is likely. Writing began early February 2014.

Is [whatever] in the comics?!

People at Terminus yes. Joe's group yes. Attempted rape yes. Throat bite yes.

Who was that random guy who somehow got surrounded by walkers in an open field?

No one important. He was probably part a bigger group, but he wasn't strong or smart, maybe he was funny. The group died off and he was alone, depressed and wandering probably.

Are they cannibals?

It was implied. Maybe they're overly-cautious?

They have the worst aim ever!

They were herding Rick's group.

"They're screwing with the wrong people"? Ugh cheesy.

It was decent. Shoulda used the f-word like the comic. More punch to it.

Will there be a time jump?

60% sure there won't be.

I wanna buy the comics. Some help?

Taken from Walking Dead subreddit:

"Where to start with the comics?"

"Books? Volumes? Compendiums? What does it all mean?!"

The comic book was released by Image Comics in October 2003. New issues are released every month, and currently on #124. If you want to start, here's the breakdown and best method.
  • Comic Book = 1 issue (Prices vary, though cover price is $2.99, that's only for the current issue)
  • Trade Paperback (volumes) = 6 issues (~$14.99)
  • Hardcover Book (books) = 12 issues/2 Trade Paperbacks (~$20.00) [contains original comic covers]
  • Compendium = 48 issues/4 Books/8 Trade Paperbacks (~$35.00 on Amazon). The 3rd compendium will be released sometime in mid-2016.

Starting from the beginning?

Best bet is to buy the two the Compendiums, if you buy both, you'll have up to issue 96. This is the easiest and least expensive way to get the most issues for the least amount of money. Move to the next section to see how to get completely caught up.

Just read both compendiums, now what?

Option A: Pickup Volumes 17, 18, 19 and 20 which will get you up to issue #120. From there buy issues #121-124 individually. The 3rd compendium is due out in mid-2016.
Option B: Pickup Book 9, Volumes 19 and 20 which also get you up to issue #120. From there buy issues #121-124 individually.
Option C: You can also buy the comics digitally on Comixology for about $2.00.
For reference, I have the two Compendiums and am painfully waiting for the third one.

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