Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Season 5 Premiere Foreshadows/Spoils What Happens Later In The Season/Series

If you haven't seen all 9 episodes of season 5 yet, don't read on. I will also not say/imply any comic spoilers.

Yes, it's true. Lets start off with some obvious ones.

Rick says there's a red-handed machete that he'll use to kill Gareth with. Which he eventually does in episode 3. Not that impressive right?

How about this, in the same shot where Gareth has Bob at knife-point, Bob looks like he's dead. As we know, he's dead. Now it's getting interesting.

Gareth also tells Bob "Can't go back, Bob." Okay, who cares right?

Well, in the mid-season finale... "I think you broke my back." Officer Bob Lamson says after Rick hits him with his own police car.

Officer Bob Lamson, back broken.

Martin, a Terminus guy.

Martin, the guy Tyreese and Carol tied up in the cabin, told Tyreese right to his face that he and Judith are going to die.

Now Judith apparently has to die now.

Also, there was no Beth in the episode. She isn't around anymore.

Things that have yet to happen:

Carol acted like a walker to get into Terminus. Will she become one later in the season/series?

Glenn almost gets hit twice with a baseball bat. He also picked one up and the camera showed it a lot in the mid-season premiere. Is a serious injury coming up for him?

Remember this guy? He took over Terminus in a flashback and then was let out of a box car by Glenn, only to be killed after he yelled "We're all the same!"

I delayed posting this one because I did't know what it means, but he has face tattoos in the present, unlike the flashback where he took over. In the midseason premiere set in Noah's old neighborhood, walkers have the letter W carved onto their forehead, and later there's graffiti on the wall saying "Wolves are coming". It's been stated that his backstory "may" be explored.